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The Heart wants what it wants
but they don't tell us that
They ask us "what do you think?"
Today we ask "what do you imagine?"
You have come here today because you are curious. You are searching. You know something you do not know and hope to be given steps to discover your own truth with some help. Alone, but with some gentle nudges of encouragement. In this intereactive Oracle you will find poetic muses that will be fair but kind. They will not sugar coat but they will not bruise.
...[[take 3 deep breaths in time...]]
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[[Now select let's get to the heart of the matter...]]
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Nana Buruku
She is Mother Creation. She is the deity that decided to exile herself from the rest of the Orisha Kingdom's because of her shame at their wayward behaviours in the Earthly realms. Remember that the Orishas were Gods in human form incarnatee. It is through their earthly existence that we can take good example of how even Gods mess up.
Now that said, What is it about you dilemma that makes your body feel weighed down?
Do you feel [[tense or burdened]]?
[[Are you feeling oppressed, cornered, put upon?]]
[[Are you simply exhausted by it all?]]
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The Orisha Yemanja is a watery Goddess of the oceans from the Yoruba tradition and mythology of nigerian Gods and Godesses.
Yemanja can be soothing, compassionate and embracing. Howevere , do not enrage her for the tempests fearsome. She becomes tsunami, tornado and tidal wave.
Sometimes our shorelines, our emotional and mental health boundaries are blurred by the waters of our emotions.
We become uncertain of the tides, the unpredictability of life renders us floating blindly through our days on an autopilot we don't even trust.
Busy life styles and demands from our immediate circles have passive aggressive to outright treacherous undertows we don't quite know how to engage with.
Her story is a creation story and her meaning for you today
You may feel exhausted, espescially if you are doing [[more than your fair share]] of emotional labour.
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Shango is a passionate God. He is full of fiery passion and creativity. He can also be warlike. Lightning is at his fingertips. In this image, he has chosen Oshun to be his wife. But not without a struggle. She did not come easy. He had to wrestle with feelings of frustration.
You feel fit to explode if you do not get an sense of injustice out of your bones.
Do you want to [[to confront the issue once and for all and be done with it]]?
Consider whether you have enough [[objectivity]] on your situation? Is there too much emotional outburst happening - arguments, tears - that its disrupting life? Or are you quietly turning it all inward and it all feels like you're doing [[more than your fair share]] of heavy lifting in life?
[[Are you simply exhausted by it all?]]
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When we are feeling giddy and all the possibilities of what could go wrong rattles around in our heads like angry wasps, the best thing to do is to focus on [[stilling the mind]] for a moment, just so you can have some [[objectivity]]. Stand back for a moment and do not judge the situation, the people involved, or yourself. When you thoughts turn inward, they can either help you [[speak your truth]] or [[entertain your will]] to self sabotage.
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Who are those who have gone before?
Do you have thier names in your mouth?
Does your DNA sing loud enough for you?
Is there a sensation in your bones long forgotten
When as a child you sang quietly to your self
the part that fit into the anthem of your bloodline
Do you rememeber you harminc part?
Start in silence
Start where you sense of smell remembers its virtuosity
to pick up the scent of survival in panic
Muscle twitched to run, relaxed to hibernate,
jolt to fight, retreated to heal
Choose an energy you imagine best describes how you feel right now.
[[Do you feel weighed down by this situation?]]
[[Are you feeling light headed and confused?]]
[[Do you feel unfocused and unsure what to do next?]]
[[Do you feel frustrated or blocked?]]
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It is true what they say about lessons to be learned. We have one long life time and we cannot spend it focused on what we cannot control. Sometimes it will be the lack of sensitivity of others. Sometimes folk act defensively. All of us carry our own tensions and struggles. This means the focus may not be on you that on themselves. You just become roadkill.
Allow yourself to be illuminated by the situation that is causing you concern or stress. There is a gem of wisdom in the pressure of it.
We don’t know what we don’t know. But when we have an inkling about something on the periphery trying to teach us something, we should <allow> ourselves to see and hear what this speck, this whisper is reaching out to tell us us.
We get so used to denying ourselves the right things and toxic thinking and gets more air time.
Take a moment with thoughts that Set the record straight. You know the truth, And this card refers to the one truth that is positive and liberating. Do not strangle these inklings of healing with an demands to fit assessments or criticism. At least, for a moment, allow airtime for neutrality and non-judgment, and listen to that other voice that is not your default thinking.
Advice from the wisest bones
In your body, melodies
from the sweetest dreams
Wake reluctantly into the wisdom of both
Feel the world for what it is
Not as it seems
and when you stand in between
slip streams and realms of uncertainty
we can feel it in our breath
we can feel it in our body
[[The Spirit that wants to Speak]]
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The day will come when you will have to confront the fear attached to this dilemma. Whether you are trying to avoid a situation, a person or an event decide whether
[[to confront the issue once and for all and be done with it]]
[[reflect some more with a deadline to deal with it or drop it]]
[[to forget(?) about it]]
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Faith in thefoundation.
Do you believe fully that you are right?
And even if you are, would you be ok with being wrong?
Its all well and good being on the right side of the track of an argument. Everyone has their take on things and even f folk hold on tosome pretty dubious postions in your seitualion because they are just bein gplain stubbor, now is the time for you be almost the exact opposite. When someone os angry be calm. whan spm n
[[Time to identify and name this feeling.]]
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Feeling in limbo, without the words to articulate your truth, can be one of the most infuriating positions to be in - when you feel you cannot express yourself to the person or entity that holds you in a bind of sadness, depression, anger or disappointment. Its really up to you to address the fealings of powerlessness that comes from being frustrated with emotion.
So think about it for a moment...
Ready to move forward and [[speak your truth]]?
[[Need a little more time?]]
[[Still feel a roar of injustice in your bones?]]
Or would you consider [[changing your mind]] how you feel about it?
OK, you could do this. What will you have learned from the yet another uncomfortable experience in life?
Make a choice. You can either
a) [[Be sure where your feelings are coming from]]
b) Be open to [[changing your mind]] and approach in how you think and feel about the situation
c) [[reflect some more with a deadline to deal with it or drop it]]
d) [[get clear]]
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Have you tried writing it out? [[Be sure where your feelings are coming from]] by doing a freeflow of writing uncensored in a journal. Underline the truths.
How about asking a friend? Don't always have to do this [[living in the shadow]] thing alone.
If you do decide to go it alone, Do you trust yourself to [[get clear]]?
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And breeeeaaathe....
[[Time to identify and name this feeling.]]
OK. Its ok to take a moment. But as you breath in time with these playful lines consider the highs and lows this journey of life inevitably will feed us.
People and scenarios will disappoint. We might disappoint those we care about most. Just bear in mind that you will know when the situation will be too unbearable and you will be pressed by the uncomfortablilty of your own skin needing to shed a layer of the past. Be decisive while you reflect.
Put the energy behind your decision and trust your heart knows what is best, that you will good decisions and everything is for a reason.
So let's do it, [[let's take a moment]]...
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When you feel you are sitting in your emotional intellience, the tendency to feel anxious or intimidated by life, by a person or challenging situationfeels muted, hushed, appeased. We all want to feel confident in this world, but it is our doubts that can encourage us to be decisive, to step up our inner game and experience a maturing through hardship.
Doubt, friend to betrayal
Like the Sisyphus stone
The mind ringed wiht harsh words
thrown into the arena of mental fight club
but human cannot live my reason alone
battle weary and icy to the touch
how much of the beautiful struggle is missed?
Watery emotions demands its paths to flow
the mind has to thaw
hide no more, Love, behind
the pretense of okay
Let you heart embrace
the cold mind, trying so hard
to protect you.
Let it untie its tongue from the lash
let it rest in the palate
tasting the deluge of feelings
named as companions, teachers,
wombs for transformation
The mind, a doula, wanting to protect you
the most, love you in the way it knows
Its ok to be nervous when life commands us too step out of our comfort zones. If, however, particular scenarios, designed to test you, can leave you feeling troubled ina unique wy that makes you feel as if a wound is being aggravated. It can be a dynamic with a person or a group of people; a situation that seems familiar inits overall energy even thought the characters and the scenery has chnaged. A certain environment can trigger ememeories and it doesn't takemuch for you to feel you are either being sapped og energy or you feel yourself constriced and tight trying to shrink yourself away from the irritant.
There is a melancholic need to be real about what is happening. Get out of your feelings so you can move pragmatically forward.
Action is the best remedy. even doing nothing is an conscious action that gives you breating space to be where you at, so you can work out what your next moves will be.
what it is challenging you right now, do you have a feeling of an aching wound, a perpetual sense of loss or a numbness pervading your energy through out a day?
We strive to rehumanise by being in otuch with our feelingsa nd flex the emotional intelligence by naming our gremlins and defing the shodow that is haunting us.
Write a list of emotions you feel exist around the situation.
[[Anger? Guilt? Shame? Jealousy? Can you name it?]]
[[Depression? Sadness? Disappointment? Is there anything you must own?]]
Do you want [[relief? Satisfaction? Hope? Faith?]] How it is you would like to feel?
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Sometimes it’s ok to be angry
To let that train run in motion
Let it away on crooked track
From the tremors
You quake, tectonic shifts, fracked
By a betrayal, oh darling
Will always bring you disappointment
Its how we come to understand loyalty
So it’s alright to be angry
When you learn that the shining clouds hide space junk
Slice your anger thin
Potion your forbearance
As food for blossoms that fire
The most important thing to do is to [[get clear]] about your thoughts, ideas and your desired outcome.
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The write moments intimately connect us to our subconscious hopes, fears and aspirations.
To there truths that liberate us.
They give you choices on a platter.
If you freeze when it comes to writing the first word, its fine, just promise yourself yo will not leave the page before 10 minutes.
Going to dinner with your nemesis feels like a better option than confronting the page. So write put the writing away when you're done and be thankful you have an outlet to express the unutterable sentiments that makes us feel restricted or ugly. Or both!
Nothing is random. Accept your part in creating the situation you find yourself in. Allow the acceptance to be a liberating experience and not a channel to bashing self, or to deflect, or project fears and bad habits on to others that actually belong to you.
It a nuisance to hear it. Its just do not need to be right all the time. To admit when we may have got it wrong opens us up to understanding ourselves and the annoying or worrying situation that was the catalyst for you to be here using The Resting Oracle.
Focus on the best outcome, operating at your highest version of yourself and visualise a fair and just outcome.
Do this and then you will know what to be really angry about because you will know what’s yours and what belongs to other people or circumstances involved.
[[Accept the things you cannot change]]
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Sometimes it helps to just get things out in the open. Even if it's just for yourself.
[[Be sure where your feelings are coming from]]
[[Accept the things you cannot change]]
If you'd like to ask another question then let's [[take 3 deep breaths in time...]] and let it go.
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The feeling of being bound by a situation can creep up on you. When you haven't had adequate reflection time or feel you have the social and relationship tools to articulate how you feel., speaking up for self can feel confrontational.
You might find expectations of you to stay silent are everywhere, because you feel sidelined by invisible but almost tangible lines of rigid authority. Social expectations can prevent you from feeling brave enough or strong enough to speak you mind
[[So consider this.]]
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At times it is impossible to move forward or away from a situation gone wrong. What do have at our finger tips to help make a transition from feeling blocked, to feeling to feeling as though you have a handle on things because all the unsaid power dynamics and underlying issues at play are understood.
So....[[let's take a moment]]
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What do we bring to the altar of our bodies?
Sometimes we are unaware of how much we carry on our shoulders. We become so used to feeling tense, shallow breathing, jaw clenched, our hands and toes clenching into tight balls of aggravation. These are always connections and symptoms of unspoken and insidious energies that accumulate in areas of our bodies where we feel tension, hot aches and numbness.
I want to draw attention to where we feel these tensions because our bodies are our temples. We hear this often. But they house our minds and our Human spirit. So when I bodies seem become weighted with [[more than your fair share]] of troubles or discriminations, we know that we may have a few pounds to shed that do not belong to us.
Take a moment To look at your body, look at your hands; your arms; your feet; your legs; your chest; your stomach; your neck; look inthe mirror and observe as much as you can of you're back; your behind and take a moment halt any criticism and exalt your body for the physical, mental, and emotional terrains is it must journey while you [[entertain your will]].
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There's a little work we can do to [[Be sure where your feelings are coming from]].
Or we could meditate on this feeling we have right now, bring and drama to the forefront of you mind, breathe deep....[[And then let it go.]]
Sometimes there really is nothing we can do in this moment. Maybe today is not the day whenthings will feel resolved... [[Accept the things you cannot change]] and be ok with it
Unless things still seem tobe stepping over your boundaries.
Would you like to explore the [[Crack in the High Heart]] again?
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"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
When feelings become come blocked and negative, they begin to disrupt our day and distort our thinking about ourselves or another person. We have to take responsibility for how we feel.
We can [[reflect some more with a deadline to deal with it or drop it]]? A good sollution ot deal with things with the 'ripping of a bandaid' method.
Sometimes that apology or the solution we would like may never come. Well not for the foreseeable future anyway. In the mean time why not consider changing how you feel about things... changing your mind ...and that means literally [[changing your mind]].
A word from Zena Edwards, the creator, artists and author of all poems in this interactive experience.
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I consider this oracle's timing to be very significant.
I have created a series of images and text that have come about through real life experiences as an woman of colour, a writer and living in the post technological age.
I have been influenced lately by oracle and tarot cards, and how our intuition is a wise guidance system that often gets shouted down by the noise of modern living.
We constantly face issues of dehumanisation through consumerist culture and materialism. We often find ourselves disconnected from people, from ourselves.
Our senses and bodies struggle to get air time for all round self care.
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This online interactive "deck of cards" is a prototype for new deck of cards that focus on stilling the mind for a moment, to offer challenging prompts for problem solving how we unltimate feel about some of the unexpected ocurrances in life. But ultimately this de
You are encouraged to engage with the images and with the audio (soon to come) for their intention to offer understanding stimulate reflection.
All you have to do is bring an open mind and heart and click on the appropriate links in blue to go on an exploration through [[The Orishas - The First Veil]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
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When we address the pain we feel, we can sometimes locate it in our bodies.
But this requires stilling our minds,
listening to the flutters in our second brain - our guts
- where there are soul stirrings,
where Orishas of our own are born,
in the womb of all things,
in the glub and rustle of the water of our emotions.
The ones we are sometimes afraid of.
Even orishas have cried tears so do not fear.
Breathe deep and long, listen well... and [[speak your truth]]
Poetry aside though, Our bodies are messengers of our mental and emotional well-being. When did you last eat? Did you drink water today? Have you had a good nights [[sleep]]?
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Nana Buruku encourages you to put down the baggage. Look for rocks in your pocket. She has a lot of advice about water as much as she has about the earth. She is a water deity too.
The Himalayn Baboons Visit the snowy hotsprings not just fro warmth, but to bond. They enjoy the healing properties of natural springs while they connect with the clan.
You could do with some of this. Listening to the wisdom of your body and your intuistion whiel your relax shouldonly be enhanced by beng in the company of folk you trust. Visit a spa with friends or invite them over for dinner. Better still, if you really are at the end of your energy sources, and your friends do not know that you are in distress, invite yourself over for dinner to their an let someone else in on your problem. They do not have to solve it. The point is you get to rest emotionally as well as sphysically and get support that can help you be bouyant for the next push, when you can think straight and [[get clear]].
[[Need a little more time?]]
Ready to move forward and [[speak your truth]]?
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Reasons are often hidden in the folds of time
A seed cannot burst its kernal
without feeling the pressure of its growth
in it temporary state of incubation.
We are seeding every moment we make a decision
nurture how you will bloom
remove the toxicity from your soil
Your contentment is in the food
your heart is fed.
“They Tried to Bury Us, They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds”
- Mexican Activist saying.
[[Still feel a roar of injustice in your bones?]]
Or are you ready to [[get clear]] ?
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They say hindsight is a wonderful thing. The choices that we make are like a computer algorithm – there are multiple pathways through which we can Manifest the lives and energies we want to have in them. But to do that we must have a level of self-awareness where we Can identify the next best thing to do. We have to start at square one though and that is to make a choice as to whether to be open to life experiences, or to close down to them.
Choose to [[open up?]] Or stay [[shut down]]
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Open the vault
But bear in mind
Keep all its contents away
From prying eyes
Sometimes a mask is what we need to protect ourselves. It is a survival strategy. For marginalised groups who experience discrimination and prejudice this can a particularly valuable device to keep a job, keep living space, save a life.
What we do want to happen is that the mask become a permanent fixture. Something that we cannot remove because we do not know we even have one glued to a face, a costume seared to our entire bodies. The best thing to do is to every now and then check in with yourself.
Open the Vault check the barometer of your emotions and see whether or not this situation has you trapped full stop what we are looking for at this point is authenticity.
Play to your authentic self as much as you can. But also be mindful of keeping enough information to your chest while you work things out
So what are you feeling: [[Anger? Guilt? Shame? Jealousy? Can you name it?]]
[[Depression? Sadness? Disappointment? Is there anything you must own?]]
Or [[relief? Satisfaction? Hope? Faith?]] How it is you would like to feel?
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When energy has it’s own nucleus
It is it’s own centre of gravity.
That is to say no one has the power to make you feel powerless. This truth can resonate bitter sweet but it is a truism that makes us double take. Make us think about who is in control of our feelings.
This situation cannot be allowed to make you feel as though your feet cannot touch the ground. The air will eventually become to thin , or if you resides in an inner city, too smoggy with the less palatable feeling, doubts and fears of others. Before you try to address the dilemma, consider how *you* feel entering the problem solving process.
Have you let a negative situation occupy too much of your time? Time to put it down and feel your way back to your joy. The one that belongs wholeheartedly to you and uniquely you.
[[Are you feeling oppressed, cornered, put upon?]]
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Tuning in to a freqency - mind in repose.
It needs to rest.
Let the wind lead the quest.
Where the mind is resting is where
the water needs to/must flow.
[[what will you choose?]]
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[[Are you simply exhausted by it all?]]
Do you just want to hibernate, escape, so to [[sleep]] and hope the days will just disappear.
[[what will you choose?]]
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Things may not be as bad as they seem after a good sleep. Do not feel obliged to sleep at night. If it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon and you do not feel as if that you can focus throughout the day, excuse yourself. And don't just take a nap really allow yourself some deep sleep. An hour and a half at least. If you do after a good nights sleep, begin your day with a light breakfast, a clear head, and I notepad and pen. Time to [[get clear]] on all emotions, thoughts, and feelings that are causing you to feel unsettled.
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I know it's easier said than done, and it might be hard to believe, but we do choose our mind states. No one says it is easy to do, but our esteem depends on it.
Primarily, feelings of sadness depression, and disappointment can stem from feeling angry and [[that's okay]].
Take a moment to consider the ways you want to feel.
Focus on that. Do you want to feel joy?
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Give yourself 10 minutes tops To rage. To really feel the emotion of anger. But do yourself a favour. To bring yourself back from anger focus on what is the most important thing for you in that moment. Consider if this were your last day would you be satisfied with it.. Think about what could be the best or worst thing that could happen if you let go of the things that bothered you about this situation.
Okay,now let's get to changing your mind About how you feel. And I mean literally, [[changing your mind]].
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If You didn't feel shame or fear what would you do now? What would happen if you do try to control the events in your life and the future? Are you living according to the expectations and dreams of others?
When we consider these things, we begin to find other ways to feel about the dilemma we find ourselves in. We can then begin to feel a sense of relief that we do not feel the way we did before, feel a sense of satisfaction we are moving on, and even find hope and faith that there is something more. Think about what larger entity you are a part of and allow the situation you find yourself in to shrink in to perspective. Let's start to [[get clear]] about what's really happening...
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Do not be anonymous to your own Spirit
Let it at least know itself within you
Let it shine, but give it permission to
All it needs to know is that you see it
That you have it’s back That you work at knowing
Lack is an illusion
Let it know that there is just
A crack in your high heart
and that once you find where it is leaking out
The love meant for it,
you will plug it up with faith in the Spirit
That was always there, waiting
Would you like to go through [[Crack in the High Heart]] one more time?
For an alternative rest check out the [[Crack in the HIgh High Heart eBook]].
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On her shoulder she quietly says "I want to help".
If you are used to go and get alone how about trying something different. Compromising with yourself to accept a helping hand is one step towards working on [[changing your mind]]. Embrace the advice and thoughts of others.
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The Yoruba Orishas are deemed the first Gods to have existed in physicality on earth. They manifested as flesh with the super powers of God and Goddess powers. They walked among us, providing food, shelter, children and offerings ould be made for health, wealth and lonf life.
An yet, they themselves were learning the fragility of human existence whilst in the earthly 3D plane. They were learning on the job, shall we say, how to be Godess and God restricted by the with the simple urges and drives of the human make up - how to love, how to negotiate pride and other complex emotions that started wars and healed clans, that brought life into the world and induces people to commit mortal acts of passion.
The mytholoogy of the Orishas is profound because it is the story of deities who the lived foibles and triumphs from their direct mundane and extraordinary life occurrences we complain about. But it through the Orishas, we have emotions such as jealousy, anger, love, lonliness…
When we are out of touch with the ability to define more complex emotions, all we have available to us are the symptoms.
The Orisha could be said to be the ancestors of our emotion resilience. These were Godesses and Gods if they should every clash
So if you've found yourself reading this you may want ot explore the pathways of this interactive oracle to get to [[Crack in the High Heart]].
Double-click this passage to edit it.